Rare Guitars: Rory Gallagher’s 1968 Mosrite Joe Maphis Double Neck
Not everyone thought this guitar suited Rory Gallagher, but that didn’t stop him from playing it.

All images: Eleanor Jane
Perhaps the most leftfield guitar Daniel Gallagher shows us from his uncle’s collection is this double-neck Mosrite – “Double Ramones!” as Rick Zsigmond, owner of New Kings Road Vintage Guitar Emporium, exclaims when the guitar comes out of its case. And at first glance, it doesn’t seem to be the most ‘Rory’ of guitars…
“He liked Joe Maphis, but this is definitely out of the ‘looks cool’ section as opposed to anything that was particularly useful!” Daniel chuckles. “He’d no doubt have gone, ‘That looks mad… four pickups – okay, just break off the tremolo arm and we’ll be sorted!
“I’ve seen him talk about having this, but I haven’t found any references to him actually playing it for anything, so I think it’s definitely ‘one for the collection’!
“I could never imagine Rory being a double-neck player live! For someone like Jimmy Page, it’s obviously cool as hell, but for Rory it’s just a bit too pompous. So I think part of it must have been Rory thinking, ‘Yeah, okay, they do look cool… but I can’t get a fancy Gibson one! I’ve gotta get the Mosrite!’”
Check out more of Rory Gallagher’s jaw-dropping collection here.